New product works as a barrier preventing field fires from spreading during harvest
In agriculture, there are also increasing problems in the high temperatures. The large and very expensive machines are increasingly exposed to fire, just as fires occur in the fields and crops.
Noignis® has developed an idea that the farmer has his own fire brigade with him by means of a container mounted on the farming machinery. Fast effective treatment of a small fire outbreak is significantly better than allowing a fire to develop while emergency services arrive and the ensuing increased risk to life and property.
What Noignis® can do for farming
Fast effective treatment on site
It is possible to have sealing fluid on the trailing tractor
Reduced risk to personal personnel and machine damage
Great value for the harvest and the final yield

Ready to safe the harvest?
How it works
In order to test our new flame retardant, we had to simulate a wild firein miniscale tostart with. To simulate very dry gras, old leaves, etv. we used dry wood wool, and made 2 areas, Each in the size of apx. 2 x 0,5 x 0,1 meter and 1 kg. The area to the left, was protectedwith 1 ltr. noignis af fire retardant with spray from the garden pump on the picture. The material absorbed the flameretadant very quickly, and changed from very flammable to not flammable at all within ½-1 hour. After 1 hour we started thefire on the other area til the right side, and it was very fast on fire.
The fire fighting was started "backwards" with treating with noignis in order to protectthe material that was not on fire yet. First then started the ordinary fire fighting, stil with a garden pump with spraying in very small amounts. Total us of noignis was apx. 2 ltr.
This test shows very interestingly that noignis can be used as well for fire prevention, and fire fighting. The explanationis quit simpel, because the liquid consists of apx. 50-50% water and harmless chemicals, and when it is sprayed out wet both the water and the chemical will quickly make the material from flamabel, – to not flammablein a short time. After some time the water will evaporatedue to the high temperatures, but the chemicals will still remain and keep the material not flammable fora longtime.

Noignis live test
Extinguishing Straw
– Treated vs. Untreated